Know your retail: The latest jewelry trends and how to sell them

Know your retail: The latest jewelry trends and how to sell them
Boutique jewelry stores are in a position that differs slightly from other retailers. Unlike clothing stores, where seasonal fashions come and go like clockwork and can therefore be prepared for in advance, jewelry trends are somewhat more subtle. Some jewelry styles do come and go with the changing seasons, but others aren’t defined by the temperature outdoors. Jewelry trends are often at the whims of the fashion world at large and can be affected at a moment’s notice.

Take, for example, the biggest celebrity event of the spring: The Academy Awards. This show, or more accurately, the red carpet walk on the way into the show, can single-handedly change fashion trends in an instant. People watch the event religiously, looking for styles to emulate. Fashion magazines spend the next month analyzing and discussing the dresses and jewelry on display. And from there, it is only a matter of time before new items start popping up in boutique stores across the country. Following such a fickle tide can be hard work, so how can a boutique owner stay on top of it all?

Your first step is to stay tuned here, where we’ll go over the latest and upcoming trends and discuss how best to market, display and sell them.

Celebrity chic
The first thing you should do when thinking about new ways to display and market your jewelry is focus on the trendsetters. Movie stars, musicians and even athletes are the people to pay attention to. Check out the fashion magazines to see what celebrities are wearing, then work that into your advertising campaign. The celebrity influence will get your shoppers’ attention, and then you can transition into your regular sales pitch. When you invoke the idea of the rich and famous, your displays should keep in line with that theme. Check out our chic linen jewelry displays for an easy way to make your products stand out and shine. And while you’re talking with a customer, remember to treat them like a star.

Gold layers
JCK magazine reported that gold layers are going to be a huge jewelry trend in 2016. That means necklaces that leave behind the chunky look and focus instead on intertwining thin strands of gold to create layers of delicate beauty. Some popular necklaces are beaded with colored gemstones, while others are simpler and end in a small pendent. Other pieces feature bold turquoise or aqua blue stones. Diamonds are still in, but are trending toward more discreet displays. One necklace that JCK touted featured a thin gold-petaled flower with a small diamond bud in the center. Gold pieces display very well on our black velvet forms.

When selling gold pieces, focus on the blending of a classic look with modern design. Often, people are buying these items to last a long time, even intending to hand them down to their children. Put the focus on the lasting value of a gold and diamond chain and the                                                                                 sentiment and pride that come with owning such pieces.

Big earrings
This year, forget about the studs. Big, long earrings are making a comeback, and not just for formal occasions. Refinery29 reported that dangling earrings are going to be a big trend over the summer months. If you’re selling earrings to a woman with short or braided hair, don’t hesitate to steer them toward oversized pieces. Gold, silver, gems and polished stones are all part of the trend, and they display well with our new kraft jewelry cards. The cards come in a number of prints, colors and styles, so you can match them to the jewelry or to your boutique’s theme.

Big necklaces

With big earrings come big necklaces. According to Harper’s Bazaar, chokers are making comeback. But don’t think gothic black or studded punk rocker chokers, think ancient Egypt and Queen Nefertiti. The source reported that gold chokers were spotted with some regularity at the spring preview fashion shows in Europe. Unlike the thin layered gold mentioned above, these pieces are definitely for formal occasions. Paired with a pair of low-hanging earrings, these pieces of jewelry are for women who want to make a fashion statement. Keep that in mind when selling these trends. You’re not just selling jewelry, you’re selling confidence.

“Fashion and technology should integrate seamlessly.”

Tech trends
Although you might be selling pieces that look at home among the ancient pyramids, you can’t forget about the latest tech trends. More of our tech is becoming wearable, whether that’s in the form of a Fitbit, smartwatch or high-tech glasses. And that means jewelry has got to match. More and more women are looking for jewelry pieces that present a professional, forward-thinking take on life. When selling jewelry, take the time to ask your customer questions about their lifestyle and how they want to be perceived in the world. Who do they take inspiration from? What are they looking to inspire in others?

Technology plays an important role in self-perception nowadays and the fashion world is acknowledging that both by creating retro-chic looks and neo-futurist designs. Does your customer want to buck the trends or lead them? Try to get a sense of who they are as you guide them through the shopping experience. Don’t try to force a look on them, but rather assist them in finding out which pieces work for them. At its best, fashion should be able to seamlessly integrate with technology.

Staying on top of trends is difficult – sometimes it can feel like trying to predict the stock market. But with a little research and some good marketing methods, your boutique will be able to stand out from the rest and sell to shoppers who are looking to define their style. Keep watching this blog for more information about how to make the most of your store displays and remember, we’re always here to serve you.